Thanks for visiting the National Health Benefits website. We hope you’ve found our company while searching for affordable, convenient and compliant healthcare benefits options for your employees.
Whether you have a company of 10 employees or an organization of 10,000 employees, we would be happy to help you find the most affordable options for your people.
Employee relations matter, and we love working with our clients to provide them with high service, low cost options for their healthcare benefits.
Please contact us to view and download our company proposals available depending on the size of your company. Please note: these company proposals differ in plan availability and pricing based on the size of a company’s workforce. Please choose the correct company proposal for your business based on the number of employees currently working for your business.
Login to access your personalized company portal, download your company and employee forms, and update your census document.
The best part about our benefit plans are the competitively low rates we are able to offer our clients. Our most affordable package, The Basic Plan, is available to your employees at just $60 per month, all inclusive. Our all-inclusive packages mean that we have budgeted for the claims costs to never exceed this monthly fee, so we will never return to our clients for additional un-budgeted claims dollars.
We only ask our employers for a $30 per employee contribution towards any of our Basic, Mega or HSC + Mega Plans. This $30 per employee shows the government that the employer is participating in the providing of benefit plans for their employees. As the affordable care act requires employer participation, we’ve set this $30 per employee, per month rate to mostly cover the administration costs of any of our all-inclusive plans.

There are many healthcare options available to business owners in the marketplace today which offer affordable options for a Minimum Essential Coverage level plan (or what we call our Basic Plan). This plan is required to be given to your employees (if you are an APPLICABLE LARGE EMPLOYER) by the Affordable Care Act. Employees may opt out of this coverage on their Election Forms, but the offer must be made. If the coverage is waived by an employee, the employer does not have to give coverage to that specific employee. Giving employees the Basic Plan from National Health Benefits (unless waived by an employee) allows an employer to meet the requirements of the Tax A portion of the Affordable Care Act.

Many companies meet the Tax A requirement and believe that they are fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act, however, they may not be fulling the requirements of the Tax B portion of the ACA. The Tax B portion requires that an employer offer their employees an MVP or Minimum Value Plan. An MVP Plan equates to what is known as a “Bronze Level Insurance Plan”. This plan can become very expensive for both the employer and the employee to pay for on both a monthly and per-usage basis. The AFFORDABILITY CLAUSE states that an employee does not have to pay more than 9.78% of their monthly income towards a healthcare plan. This Affordability Clause only applies to the MVP level plans (or greater coverage being offered). With low-wage employees, the employer bears the brunt of paying for the majority of the monthly premiums for this plan.

Although National Health Benefits offers this plan on all of our election forms, the plan is rarely chosen because we have so other more affordable and more attractive plans available for our employees. For example, both the Mega and Mega + HSC Plans are less expensive monthly plans and both offer NO DEDUCTIBLE programs for many first point of care medical appointments, and low NON-SHAREABLE AMOUNTS (similar to a deductible) within the HealthShare Connection portion of their plans. Essentially, these alternatives to traditional insurance can save both the employer and the employee many thousands of dollars in healthcare spend over the life of your account with National Health Benefits.
The Affordable Care Act mainly speaks to Applicable Large Employers, or ALE’s. A company is deemed an ALE when it employees 50 or more full-time employees or the equivalent thereof. In other words, an employer can be an ALE if they employee 80 part-time employees who work at least 6000 monthly hours combined. If 6000 combined work hours (or more) are achieved monthly, an employer may be subject to the requirements of the ACA placed on ALE’s. National Health works diligently to help our Applicable Large Employers maintain ACA compliance.
PLEASE NOTE: Affiliate employers are owners that have at least 10% common ownership in several companies. An example of an affiliate employer may be a restaurant owner with several branch locations in which the ownership maintained at least 10% control. The common ownership of these locations may require the same Affordable Care Act obligations as a single business (or single location) ALE if and when there is a combined total of 50 or more full-time employees (or 6000 monthly worked hours).
The MVP Plan is affordable under the Affordable Care Act with the employees portion of MVP premium totaling 9.78% of a monthly amount determined as the federal poverty level for a single individual for the applicable calendar year divided by 12. This amount increases each year according to the federal poverty scale.
A non-shareable amount is the amount of payment owed by a member in reference to any given need before that need is eligible for sharing amongst the HSC membership. The annual non-shareable amount for HSC is $1500 per need for the first 3 needs for an individual member, or $1500 per need for the first 5 needs for a family of members.
To learn more about this process, please fill out the contact form below, and a representative will be in touch with you shortly to detail the plan options available to you and to help you provide compliant, convenient and affordable benefits to you and your employees.
The Affordable Care Act mainly speaks to Applicable Large Employers, or ALE’s. A company is deemed an ALE when it employees 50 or more full-time employees or the equivalent thereof. In other words, an employer can be an ALE if they employee 80 part-time employees who work at least 6000 monthly hours combined. If 6000 combined work hours (or more) are achieved monthly, an employer may be subject to the requirements of the ACA placed on ALE’s. National Health works diligently to help our Applicable Large Employers maintain ACA compliance.
PLEASE NOTE: Affiliate employers are owners that have at least 10% common ownership in several companies. An example of an affiliate employer may be a restaurant owner with several branch locations in which the ownership maintained at least 10% control. The common ownership of these locations may require the same Affordable Care Act obligations as a single business (or single location) ALE if and when there is a combined total of 50 or more full-time employees (or 6000 monthly worked hours).
An employee who works an average of 30 or more hours per week is considered full-time and therefore entitled to compliant healthcare options made available by their 60th day of employment. If at any time an employee reaches 120 worked hours per month, they must be added to the National Health Benefits employee census. An employee may be removed from the census once they have worked less than 120 hours per month for 3 consecutive months.
National Health Benefits all-inclusive plans include the following company reporting required by the IRS: the offer of the Medical Plan, and MVP plans themselves; the offer documentation; the contingent ERISA Employer Self-Funded Health Plan Summary of Coverage documents; and all of the ACA, IRS, and ERISA documentation (INC Code 6056 forms 1094’s, 1095’s); Form 5500 Section 4980H (a) (b); PCORI annual fee filing fee; Cobra Notices; Fair Labor Standards Act-FLSA; TPA Fees; Forms Preparation and Filing Fees; Annual Reports Filing Fees.
If an eligible employee (see Employee Eligibility) waives their right to coverage, a $15 monthly maintenance fee for that employee will be assessed to keep the company in compliance. Details about what is included in the Maintenance Fees can be found HERE. Large Employers with groups of individual locations (separate EIN numbers) will be charged a $50 monthly fee for each location if there are no eligible employees on file.
National Health requires a monthly maintenance fee for any eligible employee working 30 or more hours per week who has waived their offer of coverage from National Health Benefits. This fee amounts to $15 per month, per waived employee. The Maintenance Fee covers plan administration costs, which include: the cost of the notification (printing, mailing, call center) of the offer of the Medical Plan, and MVP plans themselves; the offer documentation; the contingent ERISA Employer Self-Funded Health Plan Summary of Coverage documents; and all of the ACA, IRS, and ERISA documentation (INC Code 6056 forms 1094’s, 1095’s); Form 5500 Section 4980H (a) (b); PCORI annual fee filing fee; Cobra Notices; Fair Labor Standards Act-FLSA; TPA Fees; Forms Preparation and Filing Fees; Annual Reports Filing Fees. These functions apply to all employees and not just the Medical Plan enrolled employees. All employees must have an offer notification, and the enrollment documents have to be made available for each employee should an IRS request be made. Additionally, the employer is protected from the penalties on each employee by this documentation on a month to month bases. National Health responds to every request from the various regulators (IRS, DOL), files all dispute and appeal paperwork, and assists the employer in every way to make sure their compliance is complete.